manager taking a quiz at work

Quiz: What Kind of Manager Are You?

A major customer is scheduled to come into your restaurant. You wanted to prepare your staff in person, but you’re running very late. How do you handle it?

  1. Send out a “friendly” notification with instructions to your employees, but quietly burn inside with worry and regret.
  2. Have a mini panic attack and send a flurry of text messages to your staff, and some to your romantic partner just to vent. No one will get this right if you don’t do it on your own!
  3. Have a quick phone call with a trusted employee who will communicate the message to the others — it doesn’t really matter if you’re there in person to do it yourself.
  4. You absolutely must be there, so you race to the restaurant, working up a sweat. Somewhere along the way, you might communicate to your staff. Or do you?

To expand the business, you realize you need to spend more time traveling and networking and less time in your restaurant. How do you feel about that?

  1. You got into the restaurant industry because you love making great food. It’s hard to be away from the creative process, and having meetings all day makes you feel disorganized.
  2. You’ve adhered to an organizational system that helps you keep close tabs on (some would say micromanage) what goes on in each sphere, so you’re feeling very in control.
  3. This is the dream! You love talking to people about your big ideas. Your staff can take care of the day-to-day stuff — that’s why you hired them.
  4. You’re nervous because you know the restaurant will become disorganized if you’re not there to monitor things, so you’ll have to work to find a new internal communication method.

One of your employees is a rising star, and people have wondered if she might be a contender for your job in a couple years. What’s your reaction?

  1. You’re quietly happy but do little to draw attention to it. You continue on until something forces you into action.
  2. Panic, then motivation. If she’s doing such a great job, that means you need to improve your game!
  3. You publicly commend her, proud that your training is showing. Her success makes you and the company look good.
  4. You become self-conscious and give her tasks that will bury her in busywork. Everyone has to pay their dues, after all.

You’re frustrated that a message you’ve communicated to your staff multiple times doesn’t seem to be registering with employees. What’s your next move?

  1. Take a few staff members aside and have informal one-on-one meetings with them to find out what’s not working. Listening is your secret weapon.
  2. Send a more aggressive note this time, calling for a “mandatory” company-wide meeting. That will get people’s attention.
  3. Figure that your staff is constantly changing and no one seems to pay attention to anything anyway. Move on to your next challenge.
  4. Rethink your communication methods altogether. Maybe something comical, or something involving a prize, is a way to encourage people to hear you.


Mostly 1’s: You’re creative and perceptive, which makes your products great, but being a conspicuous manager isn’t your thing. Putting your foot down is a challenge. Instead, you lead by example.

Mostly 2’s: You love being in control and you cannot handle feeling disrespected. You’ve obviously figured out the best way of doing things, which is why you’ve ascended to this level. Pausing and rethinking your communication style is a challenge for you.

Mostly 3’s: You’re someone who goes with the flow and doesn’t fixate on things. Sometimes you fail to tackle a management challenge because it’s always easier to move on to the next thing.

Mostly 4’s: You feel there’s a certain order to the world, and you’re most comfortable working within that structure. When your job as a manager doesn’t go according to plan, you might flop at first, but you’ll work to reinvent a whole new management and communication system.

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